Event Details
Spring Working Retreat
Free Retreat
Work & Pray
Cancellation policy
Overnight or Multi-day/weekend retreats: $50 fee. Day Retreat: $20. Fees may be applied to future retreats. The fees may be waived in event of extenuating circumstances. Contact Kateri at 925-837-9141 x315.

About the Event
Working retreats have become a San Damiano tradition. In exchange for your morning and afternoon labor, we treat you to free meals and lodging. We also provide spiritual sustenance. Each day includes a morning prayer/reflection session, mass prior to dinner, and an evening prayer/reflection session.
Projects are to be determined, but usually involve gardening and building maintenance.
Registration begins at 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm.
6:00 pm – Dinner.
7:00 pm – First Session. And concludes with lunch on Thursday.
All bedrooms are non-smoking.