Event Details
Lenten Taize Prayer Service
Reflection by Fr. Raymond Bucher, OFM (Franciscan Friars)
Flute: Jeannie Locklear (Musician)
An Evening Of Contemplation, Prayer, Music, and Reflection
From 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Chapel – San Damiano Retreat

About the Event
TAIZE is the name of a small town in France and a rather large ecumenical-musical prayer movement that began in the 1940’s. It’s grown over the years as thousands pilgrimage to join the monastic community in prayer.
TAIZE music is published in multi languages and enjoyed all around the world. The one hour musical gathering at San Damiano’s in chapel Wednesday evenings will be lit by candles as we sing seasonal music of Lent. All are welcome!
Wednesday evenings: San Damiano Chapel- March 1st; March 8th; March 15th; March 22nd; March 29th.
Service is from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
About the Presenter(s)
Gary SponholtzSecular Franciscan – Celebrated 50 years a church musican in 2019. Elected for a term to the board of the San Francisco chapter of the American guild of Organists in 2006 while principal accompanist/ associate Music director at St. Mary/St Francis de Sales Cathedral, Oakland, & the downtown Oakland synod of church’s there. I attended the 25 year of the National chapter of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians at St. Patrick’s, NY and happen to be seated at the dinner table with then Archbishop Sullivan! Our conversation was about Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement!
In my youth I discovered St. Francis of Assisi and the seculars with the friars of the Assumption province in Wisconsin. I served in Franciscan parishes & an orphanage in Central America. Then entered the friars minor of the Santa Bárbara province in 1982. San Damiano retreat was my first address in California.
I was also accompanist for a number of Catholic parishes throughout my USNavy Hitch in the Pacific when Jimmy Carter, God Bless him, was president; A safe place for a follower of St. Francis as there were no wars during his Presidency. I was assigned to Guam & Hawaii Naval Shipyards.
Presently, I live in the wonderful (old)neighborhood of Rockridge. I am Music Minister at Peace Lutheran, Danville. peacejourney.org.