Event Details
Invitation to Prayer Gathering for Peace in the Middle East
All are Welcome and the event will start at 7:00 pm in the Chapel on Thursday evening, October 26, 2023. Please arrive here at San Damiano Retreat before 7:00 pm.
If you are unable to come to San Damiano. You can always join via Zoom online using the following instructions: Time: Oct 26, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada).
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87953912842?pwd=am5LcWRiZHFoMkkveFhFS1YrQU1jUT09
Meeting ID: 879 5391 2842
Passcode: 808852

About the Event
The previous prayer service has been postponed, but San Damiano will be offering a service at our Retreat house on Thursday. We are all tremendously saddened by the terrible loss of life and injury happening in the Middle East. Please join us for a Prayer Gathering for Peace in the Middle East.
The San Damiano Retreat Center will host this event at our Chapel. (Please RSVP below as we have limited capacity in our Chapel).
The event will start at 7:00 pm on Thursday the 26th of October at the following address
San Damiano Retreat Center
710 Highland Dr, Danville, CA 94526
RSVP call 925 837 9141 or email katerik@sandamiano.org
God Bless and Peace and All Good
Michael Cunningham, OFS