Event Details
Healing Retreat for Those Who Are Grieving
Limited to 25 people.
Moving through grief – one step at a time.
Check-in on Saturday is from 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM.
The program begin from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Lunch is served at 12:00 PM.
Cancellation policy
Overnight or Multi-day/weekend retreats: $50 fee. Day Retreat: $20. Fees may be applied to future retreats. The fees may be waived in event of extenuating circumstances. Contact Kateri at 925-837-9141 x315.

About the Event
Day retreat will be on Saturday, April 27, 2024 and will begin with registration from 8:30 am to 9:00 am. The program will start at 9:00 am and include lunch at 12:00 pm and the Day retreat will end at 4:00 pm.
About the Presenter(s)
Margaret Riley
Margaret Riley has been a Spiritual Director since 2008, when she became certified via the Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA. Her Spiritual roots are Christian in the Roman Catholic Church, but in her practice as a Spiritual Director and retreat presenter, she enjoys companioning spiritual seekers from any tradition (or no tradition).
Margaret obtained a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from the Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley, CA. (FST/GTU) in 2004. She has joyfully lived in the Bay Area for over 31 years and has been a full-time Minister in the Diocese of Oakland since 1994. Margaret’s study, understanding and experience of spirituality is born of a great variety of sources, including but not limited to the Ignatian tradition, Social Justice work, Addiction Recovery and 12-Step spirituality, Codependency recovery, Divorced/Widowed healing, Grief and Loss, Incarceration/Justice work, Mindfulness/Meditation, and Franciscan Spirituality.

Claire is a retired registered nurse and psychotherapist. She was involved in developing a hospice program at the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) in Santa Clara County and was a nurse case manager for HIV/AIDS clients for the AIDS Project at the VNA. Claire is currently a co-facilitator with Mary Ruth Cross of the Grief Support Group at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Livermore. Additionally, she is a Benedictine Oblate of the World Community for Christian Meditation and leads Christian Meditation Groups at St. Charles.

Mary Ruth Cross is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 27 years in the mental health field. She is the owner and CEO of Treehouse Family Counseling Services in San Ramon Mary Ruth has developed a treatment team model where the whole family is supported. Play Therapy is the focus of the practice where the healing power of play is harnessed to bring about healing for children, teens, couples, adults and families.
Mary Ruth is a graduate of Cal. State East Bay and has been on faculty at John F. Kennedy University and University of Phoenix teaching in the counselor education programs. Mary Ruth is a Registered Play Therapist, Supervisor, and a sought-after workshop leader in the field of play therapy, grief and loss, and trauma as well as other related mental health issues. Mary Ruth is a member in good standing with the Association for Play Therapy, California Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, National Board Certified Counselors and the Association for Death Education and Dying. Mary Ruth co-facilitates a grief support group at St. Charles Borromeo in Livermore, CA. She is also co-author of a children’s book on trauma called “Snug and Rug and the ‘No Good Very Bad Thing’: A story of coping, calming & courage for children”.