Event Details
Free Concert: Songs of Hope and Belonging at San Damiano Retreat
Please join us for an evening of joyous and stimulating music on Hope and Belonging on Saturday, November 11.
The concert starts at 7:30 pm and very important to reserve your space, seating is assigned on a first come, first served basis.

About the Event
Laura Woodworth-Gibson and Tom Franzak will weave a tapestry of songs of Hope and Belonging, so important to us in the world today.
Laura is frequent contributor at San Damiano, serving as a cantor/music director in parishes in California, Tennessee and Maine. Prior to moving to Rockland, Maine, Laura served the community of Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside, CA.
Tom has devoted his life to music ministry, recording five collection and performing extensively across the US and Canada. Tom lives in Pennsylvania and serves at St. Benedict the Abbot/St. John XXIII parish in McMurray, PA.
This is a freewill donation concert which is sponsored by San Damiano Retreat. If you would like to make a donation, feel free to do so by click on this link: https://sandamiano.org/donate-now/, but there is no obligation.