Event Details
Franciscan Lectio with Saints Francis and Clare – Practices of Opening our Eyes and Hearts in Today’s World
This weekend retreat is 3 days and 2 nights: from Friday evening, January 19 to Sunday, lunch, January 21, 2024.
Check-in on Friday is from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Dinner is served at 7:00 PM. First Session on Friday evening around 8:00 pm. The retreat concludes Mass at 11:00 am and follow with lunch at noon on Sunday.
Cancellation policy
Overnight or Multi-day/weekend retreats: $50 fee. Day Retreat: $20. Fees may be applied to future retreats. The fees may be waived in event of extenuating circumstances. Contact Kateri at 925-837-9141 x315.

About the Event
Click here to watch Fr. Dan’s Video: Fr. Dan Riley Video
Fr. Dan Riley OFM, invites us, to look and see not just what is around, but what is within us. Reflections with St. Clare will invite us to gaze, consider, and contemplate the world as St. Francis teaches us that Christ is at the heart of all creation. You are called to be women and men of new life, and this weekend will allow for quiet time and conversations with each other and with God. We will learn together how reading and reflecting invites us to come alive, to reveal God’s continuing presence. As we enter this journey, we will find ourselves and others in God’s company in the creation of wonder, the Word of God, the Word Made Flesh.
In Fr. Dan’s words … “I invite us women and men … to experience what’s around you, feel it, sense it, listen, and then begin to reflect on it yourself,” he said. “Lectio Divina is an ancient, wonderful practice and what I’ve done in the writing of this book is to open it up to some personal stories and simple examples that would allow you and I to realize that wherever we sit, there’s a world and a life to read.”
The word alive and active in your life, Franciscan Lectio invites us to gaze, to consider, and contemplate the world around us. The world within us all that God has given us. Fr. Dan looks forward to seeing you here to receive the peace that only comes from the Lord.
This retreat weekend retreat is 3 days and 2 nights: from Friday evening include dinner, January 19 to Sunday, lunch, January 21, 2024.
About the Presenter(s)
Fr. Dan Riley, OFM
Father Dan Riley, OFM, is a Franciscan friar of fifty years, artist, teacher, and founder of Mt. Irenaeus, a Franciscan retreat community in West Clarksville, New York, that inspires contemplation, community, authentic spirituality, stillness, and inclusivity. He leads regular retreats, hosts a podcast, and is a frequent speaker at various communities of faith around the country.