Event Details
Monthly Book Series “Reflections on the Inner Life”
Book Series
Meets first Tuesdays throughout the year
Cancellation policy
Overnight or Multi-day/weekend retreats: $50 fee. Day Retreat: $20. Fees may be applied to future retreats. The fees may be waived in event of extenuating circumstances. Contact Kateri at 925-837-9141 x315.

About the Event
Return to the Root
Reflections on the Inner Life
By Joyce Rupp
Facilitated by Kathy Miranda M.A.
Rumi suggests that we return to our taproot, the core of our being, the dwelling place of divinity, the central source of goodness that grounds our existence.
If you wish to explore this further, this book will be a wonderful guide. Through Joyce’s reflections, our sharing and creative expression, we will come to fuller understanding of our goodness, Christ’s indwelling presence and love, and all that resides in the core of our being. Let’s make this journey together!
MONTHLY FORMAT – Meet First Tuesday each month throughout the year via Zoom.
10:00 to Noon
$20 per session.
About the Presenter(s)
Kathy Miranda M.A.
Kathy Miranda is married and enjoys a blended family of five adult children and seven grandchildren. She has been a spiritual director for 24 years and received her formation at Mercy Center, Burlingame.
Though Catholic, she also enjoys working with people of all traditions. She holds a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Studies with a focus in spirituality and creativity.
Her background is in Parish Ministry and Religious Formation. She has also done retreat work, spiritual spa days and has facilitated groups for many years. Her interests include grief work, divorce ministry, Dream work, Enneagram and Creative Expression. She is also available to lead group spiritual direction.