Event Details
Awaken Our Hearts: A Sacred Journey Towards Uplifted Well-being and Self-Regulation
Limited to 40 people: Zoom Series
4 Saturday mornings in April 6, April 13, April 20, April 27.
From 9:00 am to 10:30 am PT.
A recording of each session will be provided through May 4, 2024. Participate live or via the recordings.
Cancellation policy
Overnight or Multi-day/weekend retreats: $50 fee. Day Retreat: $20. Fees may be applied to future retreats. The fees may be waived in event of extenuating circumstances. Contact Kateri at 925-837-9141 x315.

About the Event
The heart is an access point to our larger intelligence and well-being. In this retreat, we will focus on the heart and a sense of love to feel more uplifted and empowered. Exploring simple scientific HeartMath® techniques will help us overcome life challenges, regulate our nervous system, and experience more ease in our lives.
Each session will include guided meditation, journaling, and small group reflection to deepen our spiritual and physiological heart experience.
4 Saturday mornings in April (6, 13, 20, 27)
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM PT
A recording of each session will be provided through May 4, 2024. Participate live or via the recordings.
About the Presenter(s)
Amber Blandford, MAMC, MTS, RYT-200
Amber Blandford is an intuitive guide, Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath® Certified Practitioner, and registered yoga teacher (RYT-200). She holds 2 graduate degrees in spirituality from the Franciscan School of Theology and has completed The Resilient Heart™: Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certification.
Amber connects with clients on a deep level. As an end of life specialist, she saw individuals transform through the presence of holistic support. This struck her and shifted her mission to help the living, truly live now—to experience the fullness of an intuitively informed and intentionally directed life.
In 2016, Amber founded Joyful Spaces, LLC to help individuals align their space and soul through professional organizing and intuitive guidance. She leaned on her innate wisdom and directed her own healing when her mother, father, and brother died within 4 months in 2019, which confirmed her calling.
Most recently, Amber’s work has been featured in Better Homes and Gardens, Insight Timer, and she was named one of Shondaland’s JoyMakers.