Event Details
6- Day Silent Retreat: Following the Footprints of Contemplative prayer
Join us for a six-day silent retreat at the Oasis of Peace, San Damiano, in beautiful Danville, CA.
Check-in on Sunday is from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Dinner is served at 6:00 PM. The retreat concludes with lunch at noon on Friday.
Cancellation policy
Overnight or Multi-day/weekend retreats: $50 fee. Day Retreat: $20. Fees may be applied to future retreats. The fees may be waived in event of extenuating circumstances. Contact Kateri at 925-837-9141 x315.

About the Event
This six-day retreat has been designed for those experienced in a silent experience and those just looking to learn something more. The program encompasses several options, so you can create your retreat experience according to your needs. Or you can sample several elements to deepen your knowledge.
What to expect
The retreat will introduce many of the major contemplative prayer forms as practiced for centuries in the Christian tradition. Many of these prayer forms have been neglected for many years, but are seeing a resurgence as more people seek that close, peace-filled relationship with God that can only be fulfilled through a contemplative nature.
These experiences will include, Centering Prayer, Imaginative Prayer, Lectio Divina (Divine Reading), Visio Divina, (Divine Seeing). These will be coupled with the option to meet with a personal spiritual Director each day, visit our meditative music room or gaze silently with images that stimulate the heart and mind.
The entire retreat center will be silent during these six days, allowing for a complete meditative stay at San Damiano. We are located on 57 tranquil acres on the mountainside, with walks, trails, and contemplative gardens for your enjoyment. Many with vistas over the valley to Mount Diablo. Just being here will help your disposition. Our staff are ready to serve you with three meals each day, accommodating special dietary requirements if required.
Retreat Leadership: the retreat will be led by Dr. Michael Cunningham OFS, and Ann Naffziger M.Div., who have a wealth of instructive experience in the materials and prayer forms being offered during this week. Both are certified Spiritual Directors and will be leading each of the tracks daily. Each day will provide options for retreatants to select which track they want to attend. There are no requirements to attend any of the sessions should the retreatants just want to experience the silence individually at the center, however, there will be options to attend group sessions, all of which will be held in silence.
About the Presenter(s)
Michael Cunningham
Dr. Michael Cunningham, OFS, completed his MA in Ministry at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, MA, and his Doctorate in Ministry at Catholic University of American, in Washington, DC. He is the Executive Director of San Damiano Retreat in Danville, CA. Michael is married with four children and eleven grandchildren and is an avid writer, retreat facilitator, photographer and motorcyclist. He is a commissioned presenter for Contemplative Outreach and a certified Spiritual Director.

I have a Master of Divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology and a Masters in Biblical Languages from the Graduate Theological Union, both in Berkeley, California. I have worked as a hospital chaplain and in parish ministry, taught scripture classes, and led the RCIA program. I was a field education supervisor for MDiv students at the Jesuit School for four years. Currently, my husband and I run The Pastoral Center, a small pastoral publishing nonprofit based in Alameda, California. We have two school-age daughters. In my free time, I like to grow food and teach others to grow food, bicycle, cook and bake, coach softball, and make meaningful connections in our neighborhood.