Event Details
Your Story, Your Legacy: Reflections into the Heart of Who You Are
Limited to 18 people.
Check-in on Friday, September 12, 2025 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM.
The program start at 4:00 PM and dinner at 7:00 PM. The retreat
will end at 4:00 pm on Sunday, September 14, 2025.
Cost: $400 private room
$370 shared room, per person
$330 commuter(no bedroom)include meals
Cancellation policy
Overnight or Multi-day/weekend retreats: $50 fee. Day Retreat: $20. Fees may be applied to future retreats. The fees may be waived in event of extenuating circumstances. Contact Kateri at 925-837-9141 x315.

About the Event
Within each of us is a divine treasure, and if we hope to discover it, we need to go deep into the heart of who we are. Meister Eckhart
In our weekend together, surrounded by the beauty and serenity of San Damiano Retreat, we will guide you through a series of reflections and meditations, inviting you into a deeper sense of being. Together we will behold the wisdom and grace of being just who we are, taking plenty of time to share with one another the blessings and challenges of the journey which has brought each of us to this place of peaceful sanctuary.
In this full-weekend retreat we will engage you – from beginning to end – in a thoughtful and inspiring look at the stories of how you came to be the person you are and the qualities of your life that can be a true legacy to future generations. In our sessions together you will have the opportunity to:
🌱 Explore the life lessons that have made you stronger, wiser, and truer.
🌱 Discover the value you have created in your life that will be meaningful to others.
🌱 Connect with like-hearted others in a way that is affirming, encouraging, and healing. We’ll practice the sacred art of quiet listening, allowing one another to bring forth what is true and alive in them.
🌱 Engage in gentle, meditative movement that will inspire your imagination. There will also be time for quiet walks to rest in simple awareness.
🌱 Gain a deeper understanding of what matters most in your life, and how you want to be remembered.
🌱 Leave with essential tools for making decisions and having conversations with loved ones about your legacy and end of life wishes.
Whether you’ve experienced a Legacy Workshop or Retreat before, or this will be your first time, we warmly welcome you to join us for a full-weekend experience that we promise will be like no other!
“Mary has put together a beautiful program on how to find clarity and meaning in your life and write your legacy story for loved ones.”
“Mary welcomed us all warmly and held space for each of us to be heard.”
“Each topic we were given for reflection was amazingly intentional, and deeply meaningful.”
“The reflections, words of wisdom, teachings, and shared experiences of others are encouraging me to go brazenly into the next decade of my life.”
“Mary’s loving, sensitive communication style made the meditations and reflections deeply moving. It was just a beautiful experience.”
“The Legacy Retreat was absolutely world class, and I have been to some of the best retreats in the world.”
About the Presenter(s)
Mary Price Dunn
As a distinguished leader in the nonprofit sector, Mary has pioneered programs to engage people – just as they are – in courageous and hopeful change. While serving as CEO of a charitable foundation, she developed a groundbreaking grassroots initiative to help people build stronger, healthier communities in the rural towns of New Mexico. The program continues changing lives today.
In communities large and small, organizations, and retreat settings, Mary has been moved by the transformative power of inviting people into conversation about life’s meaning and purpose. Integrating all that she has gained from her work with the wisdom of her intuitive heart, Mary’s passion has become the spirituality of conscious aging and legacy. She created The Legacy Workshop and Your Story, Your Legacy: Reflections into the Heart of Who You Are, and leads these workshops and retreats in the U.S and Canada.
In Mary’s words, “As human beings, we long to be seen and understood for all that we are and what we are becoming. We want to know that the value we are creating in our lives will be meaningful to others – that it will be a gift, our true legacy to future generations.”

Alanna’s interests the last ten years have focused on mindfulness and spirituality, and she follows a daily practice of centering prayer. Alanna is retired from a successful CPA practice, having worked extensively with clients on estate planning, and helping them understand and manage finances after the loss of a loved one. Alanna brings to these retreats a wonderful balance of financial wisdom and a spiritual understanding of legacy.